RIDE SAFE USA RIDING TIPS: Motorcycle classes that leads you to succeed when taking the motorcycle driving test lays the foundation for safety and learning how to control your motorcycle. Motorcycle training is not a one size fits all. RiderCoaches who care do not double as motorcycle sales staff. They are professionals, dedicated to safety and not a motorcycle dealers attempts to sell more bikes. Get your motorcycle license prior to riding a motorcycle and enroll in a motorcycle driving course that is focused on safety, not motorcycle sales. Gear needed for most classes include: You'll need to bring the following: Your Driver's License and/or Learner's Permit, Proof of completion of any pre-required course study, Any materials provided to you prior to or during class, Long-sleeve shirt or jacket, Long pants (heavy denim or riding pants recommended), Over-the-ankle boots (sturdy, not canvas, low heel), Eye protection (helmet visor, eye glasses, sun glasses, goggles acceptable), Full-finger gloves (motorcycle specific recommended)
Ride Legal - Ride Sober - Ride Smart.

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